Monday, August 3, 2009

We have a new blog!!!

Hey, we've upgraded! Our new blog can be found at

It's running on a new system that lets us do a few new things. Plus, it looks a lot better than this blog. Thanks, and we'll be blogging more, we promise!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Suprises!!!! Suprises!!!!

I decided that I officially LOVE being married and I LOVE MY HUBBY! Two nights ago I came home to a huge surprise!!! A YORKIE!! Now for anyone who knows me and has been around I have wanted a yorkie for a few YEARS now (and for someone as indecisive and easily amused as I takes a lot to want anything for that long).
Adrian called him my belated Valentine's day gift. He has been the easiest little think to have around..I still think Koda (whom we have had for 2 years now) takes a lot more training than this little guy. :) I AM SO EXCITED!! And I have also learned that I am DEFINATELY not ready to jump on the baby-having band wagon. A Puppy is enough for me for a few years at least.

Maui, Hawaii :)

The first week of Feburary, Adrian and I went to Maui with Kenny and my parents. And Let me tell you what....Hawaii is always fun and it NEVER gets old. I love that place. I think I may have Adrian buy me a place there someday..anyone want to visit in 30 years?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Homemade Art

WE ARE ARTISTS!!! I keep looking around and seeing all this art I want in my house and then I decided that they charge a ridiculous amount for something we could we did just that...we bought some canvas and used the house paint we already have on our walls and made some crazy easy abstract art! It was a million times cheaper and had my exact colors. We still have to get them stretched and add a touch here or there and make it into two 6'x2' canvas paintings... but overall I am totally excited...I love being established. our house is still a work in progress but I like playing around with new things.

Being Neighborly

This year we decided to be nice and actually deliver our neighbor Christmas gifts...Adrian was so proud he had me take some pics..It was easy, messy, and fun to make. Plus they look cool. Last year we made all these gifts but never had the time to give them out (I am not going to lie..I still have a couple in my pantry..from this year.. that we didn't get out but ONLY a if anyone is desperate for chocolate/caramel mixed with a little pretzel you know who to come to:)).

Catching up again....we will start with Christmas 08

I know I never blog...I just got back from Hawaii and was loading pics and saw that I have a few pics I took to blog and NEVER DID IT...imagine that!! At the time I didn't realize but I was looking through and I am totally proud of my christmas tree!!!

Christmas was awesome this year...everyone come home!!! We even had Adrian's mom come and stay the week before. He made her a lobster dinner that was OH SO GOOD!
It was great to have his mom here. Adrian was on his best behavior to show off for his mom..i felt like we were dating was a blast. He cooked and cleaned..I think she should come more often :)

Sunday, November 2, 2008


FINALLY!!! We have been in our house for over a year now and we just finally got new good as the random ones we scrounged up were....i am so house is finally coming along and is almost a home...few things are cooler!! I know it is silly to be so excited...but we have been stalking these couches for months hoping no one would buy them...they went on sale...we got an amazing if i could just keep my pets away from them ;)