Saturday, June 28, 2008

Paintballing :)

Being from Idaho one would think I have done this before....not so true! Last night our office and a bunch of friends got together and shot each other with paint. Apparently they say that this is a riot. So of course...not willing to be the wanny of the group I went along. AND HOLY COW WAS IT FUN!!!! I dont know what it is about it..the violence...the stress relief..attacking people that dont even know you are there...but whatever it is....I can see why so many people do it. (I will say I had Adrian on my team the whole time...I am not sure I am okay with him shooting he was smart enough to be on my side :P). Anywho....I was totally stoked and shooting people is wicked fun/SCARY. Have a good one...I am going to walk my dog.